Monday morning the new mount was mounted and after saying our farewells we left the harbour around 11:30 a.m. with plans to do an overnight trip to St. Peter's Canal at the bottom end of the Bras D'or Lakes on Cape Breton Island.The day was clear with sunlight until almost 10p.m..We were able to sail for a lot of the daylight hours. But when the night and the fog crept in the radar had to go on and so did the engine to keep the equipment charged.As the night settled in we saw the 'Maasdam' cruiseship go by south of us.nicely lite up.We didn't see many boats on the radar.At one point we noticed that a coast guard boat was not far from us. They blew their fog horn a few times and Bill responded. Other times they responded to our horn.Helped keep us warm. Not really! The damp cold was the only real down side of anotherwise uneventfull trip. We started to near the Canso Strait as the early morning light was leaving the night behind but not the fog. That needed some stronger rays to be burnt off. We slowed down so a tanker we saw on the radar could make it up the shipping lane before we crossed it. As we were crossing the sun broke thru and we could also see the tanker in the distance and another sailboat 'Puffin' behind us.
We took our sails down just before we came into the marked channel to the entrance to the St. Peter's canal.About 11:30 a.m. we tied up to the wall of the canal, only to find out the canal is closed for the Tuesday and Wed. due to Park's Canada cut backs. The good part of the story is we could stay there. , sleep and not have to be concerned about finding an anchorage. After a few hours sleep we watched lobster boats come in while we ate supper. A truck was there to pick up the fresh lobster. The next morning we walked to St. Peters . in the rain. to go to Tim Horton's and to the marina to use their wifi to book our flight home for the next week[20th]. Gerry from the marina had come to our boat to invite us. The people are so friendly . We needed groceries too and since it was raining it wasn't long we were offered a ride back to the boat. We also meet Robert and Louise on 'Puffin'. also tied up at the canal and waiting. They are from Wales and a few years ago built a house at Ross Pond on the Bras D'or lake. They spend 1/2 year in Wales and the other in their Cape Breton home. They invited us to visit them with our boat. We had coffee at their home on Sat.. Anchored in Ross Pond Friday night next to 'Puffin'' .Exploring the Lakes here has been fun. Saturday afternoon we motored thru the Barras Strait-- straight into Great Bras D'or Lake on to Baddeck. [Alexander G. Bell Country]. What a pretty area!!Again people are so friendly. Sunday was great and sunny . That is a whole story in itself. Monday we made it to the A.G.Bell museum. fascinating!! Tomorrow we work our way back to St. Peters canal leaving our boat at the Lions club Marina where Gerry has offered to take us to the airport in Sydney on Thurs. so we can go home for Many wonderful reasons. not the least being to bring back Willem and Josiah (grandsons) for a sail with us thru the Canso Strait and canal[lock] to Charlottetown,PEI , the next leg of our trip.D.V. 'til then.
Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron Club House |
Leaving Halifax Harbour |
St Peter's Bras D'or Lakes |
Adriana 1 in St Peter's Canal |
Ross Pond Adriana 1 and Puffin |
Bridge opening for us at Barra Str. |
Wharf and lake view at Baddeck, Bras Do'r Lakes |
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